Monday, May 7, 2012

Mexican Sky Eye Jasper in COLOR !

On our last mad bead buying spree Todd convinced me to purchase a strand of Mexican sky eye jasper, mostly because according to him, "They look like M n M's"  And they do.  I only bought one strand of them and just sat down to start working with them

I really love working with jasper.  It comes in so many colors and always has interesting patterns in it.  This type of jasper is also called orbicular jasper because of its eye like patterns.  Jasper is used as a healing and protection stone and orbicular jasper in particular is also used to help with circular breathing, problem solving, accepting responsibility and instilling patience.

I was really struck by the various colors in this single strand of jasper and I was able to make three completely different looking bracelet and earring sets with them.  There was only enough of what I call "red factored" jasper to make a single bracelet and earring set.  These stones are all unique but have enough of that red color in them to make a good grouping. I like how the copper works with them as well.

This is the gray factor set.  With the silver beads and clasp it ends up looking completely different from the red factor beads even though they are all from the same strand.  There is a lot of yellow and brown in these beads but the silver beads pull out the gray and green colors of these particular stones.

This is the last set I have made (so far!) with yellow factor beads.  I used gold plated beads, a gold toned Bali style bead and a gold plated heart shaped clasp.  These additions really bring out the bright ocher yellow of the stones. 
It is really amazing how one strand of jasper can produce completely different looking pieces of jewelry.  No wonder I love working with jasper.  Here is a picture of all three sets together.  Of course they are all available for purchase in my Etsy shop.  I still have some gray and yellow factor stone beads and plan on adding a necklace or two to the mix as well. 

Until my next random blog entry, remember, life is beautiful and so are you!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New Digs

Just a quick note.  I have opened jewelry studios at Etsy and Zibbet.  The traffic on Artfire is not what I hoped it would be and views have slowed to a crawl since July of last year.  I plan on adding new pieces to my Etsy and Zibbet shops.  I have the same name, and  I am doing a lot of wire embellished pendants right now like this beauty.
More new shiny things, and more blogging to come :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

No, I'm not dead yet!

You know, life can take some funny turns.  I think we all know that.  I have huge ambitions for my blog here, lots of ideas, funny things I want to write about, and serious ones too.  I am loving my jewelry studio and I am have some modest success with it. 

Here is my latest creation.  Its red and green agate and kyanite with some silver beads.  I found these stones at a local bead show and just fell in love with them.  I now wish I had bought more than just the one strand.  Isn't that how it always goes?   I have more pictures of this piece in my studio  if you want to take a look at it.  I have to admit I think my pictures are starting to improve. 

Pictures are the worst part of selling jewelry on line for me.  I took craptastic pictures when I started but I am improving all the time.   I even know what a light box is now, bonus!  Right now I have two or three pieces made and just waiting for me to take pictures so I can post them.   Frankly it is more fun blogging about pictures than actually taking them.   Well hopes dreams and ambitions are not going to photograph themselves are they? 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Joining Artfire

For everyone who doesn't already know, yes, I sell on Artfire.  I have a lot of fun on this great selling venue and just recently got my sister Ann to join as well.  She sells her AMAZING skin care products under the studio name Healingbasketherbs.  She does wild crafted herbal infusions.  I personally use her hollyhock face cream it is wonderful!!  My sister is amazingly talented and I am thrilled she picked Artfire for her selling venue. 

Right now you can join Artfire with this link and you will get your 3rd month of your proshop free.  You can also open a basic shop for free.  I like the pro shop for its extra pictures, search optimization and customization, but hey, I started as a basic shop myself.  For anyone who loves making things by hand this is a great place to start selling online!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'm still here really.

Ok, I feel really bad for starting this blog and then just abandoning it.  I have been working super hard on my jewelry studio and having a great time.  I do have a blog on Artfire as well, but I do want to use this blog as well.  I will be posting a new entry about my wire wrapping class at Fusion Beads soon.  I had a fun time and what a cool store it is!! That is for another day,  soon my minions, soon.

Monday, September 20, 2010

New piece

I just got done stringing this.  Its red dyed coral and hematite.  I really like the look and feel of coral.  I love the ocean anyway and this just brings me closer to it.  Coral's healing properties include optimism, creativity, and diplomacy.  Coupled with Hematite's gift of dispelling negative energy its perfect for anyone who has to deal with the public all day.  I have a bracelet for myself and I'm going to wear it tomorrow since I have to call people about over due bills.  I know how happy that makes people.  

So, um, HI

Lil Kitty

I really hope all the twittering I do hasn't ruined my ability to write complete sentences.  :)  I just posted on FB that I could either go make jewelry or do laundry.  Why can't I do both?  I am lucky enough that I have a small studio at the back of our property.  I love to make jewelry but I don't love the idea of my darling kitties ingesting bits of stainless steel wire, pewter, copper ect. but most importantly I don't want them playing with my shinies (thats beads n stones don't ya know!)  I'll post a picture of my studio as soon as I learn how to do that.  I'll also post a few pictures of my kitties.  I have 3, which is one short of crazy cat lady status I am told.
Our oldest one is Spookyfreakazoidthedeamonkitty.  We call her Lil Kitty most of the time.  She is almost completely black, but if you look at her in the sunlight she has some dark brown stripes on her.  Kitty number two is a handsome brown tabby named Aristotlethetinytiger.  We call him Tiny, all 14 lbs of him.  Our youngest fur baby turns 1 year old this week, she is a feral stray my husbands boss found in the back of his el camino along with 3 of her brothers and sisters.  The momma had apparently been killed.  She is named Princessminicamino.  She is still feral sometimes and we just call her Minimini, she is very tiny.  We also have our old brown dog Dojo,
a parrot named Noober, a canary named Rowdy who sings mostly at night, and our Bunny Crackers that we adopted on July 5th of this year.  Crackers had 9 babies on July 6th of this year, we still have 4 to give away if anyone wants one . . .
Eh, enough of this, I'm gonna put a load of laundry in and go make some shiny stuff!!  Pictures to follow, I swear!!

Mini mini